Since BMV was first released, OpenSceneGraph has added much functionality that allows it to do planetary scale viewing "out of the box". The distribution of OSG contains a viewer that allows the user to begin visualizing many different kinds of data, including the data we're going to show you how to build here.
Here we'll show you how to use the generic OSG viewer.
1) Install OpenSceneGraph
Get installation instructions here (Click on Downloads). It is easiest to just get the binary versions, but you may spend the time building OSG as well if you need to. For a shortcut to Windows binaries, these are prepared and hosted here.Test your installation by running a few models in the viewer like this:
osgviewer cow.osg 2) Download the Blue Marble imagery
Download the files land_shallow_topo_east.tif and land_shallow_topo_west.tif from here. These are quite large so download time may take a while.3) Build the Data
Select a directory where you can create a lot of files (preferably an empty directory) and run osgdem. The following example uses Earth as a directory and has the blue marble images in the directory above the Earth directory:osgdem --bluemarble-west -t ../land_shallow_topo_west.tif \ --bluemarble-east -t ../land_shallow_topo_east.tif \ --geocentric \ -l 12 \ -o earth.ive Relax, have some tea, go to lunch, or let it run overnight. This may take hours.
Run the Viewer
You can now visualize the data with:osgviewer earth.ive Navigation is best accomplished with the "terrain" manipulator, which is selected by typing '4' in the window. Type 'h' for other options.
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